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lndustrialization of Modified Cassava Flour (MOCAL/MOCAF) through cluster IndustriaI concept: from opportunity ldentification to Market Development

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 01 Januari 2015 | 1.1.15

Subagio, AchmadSiti Windrati, WiwikWitono, YuliNafi', A.

One of the best potential crops for food diversification is cassava with carbohydrate, especially starch as the major component. We have successfully developed original modified cassava flour, called MOCAL or MOCAF which is applicable for substitution of wheat flour. However, the industrialization of MOCAL/MOCAF involves tackling problems in such areas of technology, productivity, marketing price stability, and production continuity. Those matters are influenced by the socioeconomic condition of community. Accordingly, the MOCAL/MOCAF industry has been developed in a cluster industrial concept, in where some small factories of cassava chip are established following a central milling factory. Through this method, MOCAL/MOCAF industrialization could generate economic activity based on local potential to increase the community/s income. This, indeed, can be achieved by encouraging the integration of local government, food industry business, farmers, and researchers it's self. This presentation outlines the underlying methodological framework of this MOCAL/MOCAF industrialization from opportunity identification to market development.

Sumber: Repository Universitas Jember
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